A dog's IQ is equivalent to a child age of 6 to 8?!

A dog's IQ is equivalent to a child age of 6 to 8?!

Do you ever think that there are some dogs that can understand human language as if they would nod or bark when the owner praises them. In addition, they can distinguish the owner's tone as well. For example, if you are telling them to go to the vet in a very excited tone, they will still see through you and feel unhappy about it. 

Experiment on Dog's brain
According to Roland University in Budapest, Hungary, there is a group of students who interested in studying the brain of dogs. They recruited pet dogs to perform magnetic resonance scanning experiments to analyze their brains' responses to different vocal stimuli. It is to study how the dog's brain process human language.

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There is an experiment where a student compliments the dog during training, such as Great, Right, Well done, as well as general words without compliment, such as Not yet, Not good. The brain imaging shows that the words of praise are very effective for the dogs, just like rewarding them. When the way and tone of speech are right, the dog will be more excited, which means that the dog will not only listen to what we say but also distinguish us. 

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According to our research on articles mentioning that Border Collie is the smartest breed in the dog world. They have relatively strong abilities, are naturally clever and smart. Other than that, they are able to distinguish the joy, anger, sorrow of the owner, guess accurately the owner's instructions. They have strong learning ability, high comprehension, easy training, gentleness, loyalty, and good obedience as well. The Border Collie is also the most competitive breed of Frisbee Dogs and the protagonist of the Frisbee Dog World Cup competitions over the years. This is because they all behave very well and did not bark during the competition which makes them the most popular pet in the urban population. 

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According to many articles on the Internet, the Border Collie is the smartest breed in the dog world. They have relatively strong abilities, are naturally clever and smart, and are more dazzling. They can distinguish the joy, anger, sorrow, and sorrow of the owner, and they can accurately guess the owner's instructions to it. The characteristics are cleverness, strong learning ability, high comprehension, easy training, gentleness, loyalty, and good obedience. The Border Collie is also the most competitive breed of Frisbee Dogs and the protagonist of the Frisbee Dog World Cup competitions over the years. Because of his gentle and loyal personality, he did not bark, and once became the most popular pet in the urban population.

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An online article proves that basically, a shepherd dog can understand everything from the owner. The owner told him not to play the small ball anymore and change it to a big one, it will immediately drop the small ball and go grab the big ball. Besides that, the owner also asked the dog to find his mother, and it automatically goes to the designated room and grabs the mother's trousers. The dog is able to understand it without using fingers to point in the direction of the room. 

Dogs understand human language
[youtube url="https://youtu.be/Zt3i78-8iNw"]

In addition, there is also a viral video where the owner puts a few buttons on the ground, and each button represents an English word. The Shepherd will express his thoughts by pressing down the buttons. In the video, the Shepherd pushes a few buttons to asked his owner to refill his water bowl. Most of the comments are people who shocked by how clever is the Shepherd. 

[youtube url="https://youtu.be/1a4UPtKU0Cw"]

Honestly, it is not that difficult to do it like how the Shepherd does, all it needed from the owner is some patient and finding the right way to teach them. There is a tutorial video where the owner tries to film how she teaches her Corgi dog to learn to use the button to talk. What is the most important while teaching is, treats and tones of compliments to the dog when they did the right action.  

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In a nutshell, IQ is not that important for dogs especially like the Husky breeds. They may not as intelligent as a Border Shepherd, but the uniqueness of their personality makes them easy to get along with. It does not matter whether the dog is smart or not, in the end, it is still their owner's favorite pet. So, do not worry too much about if your dog has a high IQ or not, they are still adorable by the way!

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